
Lee Matthews, Simon Jackson, Liz Clark, Liv Armitage, Mike Northfield


Apologies for absence

Jo Pennington, Chris Lewis, Sijbren Otto


Matters arising




1.      City Sport

See Matters Arising


2.      National Youth Day

Liv has sent letters to children at Colville and St Matthews inviting them.  At present we have 1 U13 team, 2 U9 and 3 U11 teams.

Lee to contact Nottingham re over 13’s playing – possibly including Giles and Lucy?

Liz to confirm numbers by Sunday.  Liv to enter teams.

Team managers: Lee, Liz, Liz, Liv, Simon.  Need one other.


  1. Cambridge Tournament

Teams – Witchford U13’s plus Cambridge U13’s plus 2 x U11’s



  1. Club School Link

Gone well – positive feedback from schools.

Liv to give questionnaire to coaches and write to schools asking for feedback.

Simon interested in setting up a club at Fawcett and would like to link it to the club school link next year.


  1. University Play Scheme

Sijbren and Simon did this on 5th June.  There was a mixture of ages and abilities.  Both would be interested in doing this again – Simon will coordinate.  The team expressed their thanks for this work.


  1. Training dates and clarification of volunteers

Currently 7 regular helpers – JP, SO, SJ, LM, MW, CL, RIT.  If any of these people cannot make training then they shoud call Liv who will coordinate – 07870 636026.

It is estimated that we need 2 extra on an average week from other clubs.


  1. School of excellence. 

Flier read out (details on afm sports website).  It was thought to be very expensive and Lee suggested that there were no names to put forward.  Simon mentioned Avon Tyrell and expressed an interest in going to that.  Fliers have gone out about that.


  1. Club name

4 entries to club name competition.   Vote to be held on Sunday.   Liv to ask CKA for money for ball at next committee meeting.


  1. Equipment and Kit

Sijbren has requested kit for U11’s and U9’s  - ordered and ready for  7.7.02, also 4 U9 posts and 5 size 3 balls.  Simon suggested that we have more 2.5m posts.  Lottery grant order to change from 16 3m posts to 12 x 3m posts and 4 x 2.5m posts. All equipment orders will wait until Lee has haggled with Andy and Steve Barker.


  1. Training and match fees for next season

Liz to sort out some figures for this.  To start from September – termly therefore 3x per year to cover training.  Match fees voted to be separate.



  1. Information Leaflets

Sijbren has produced some information leaflets with registratio form inside it for handing out.  Please change Liz ‘s details to Liz Clark not Ms Clark.  Details of history of juniors is incorrect.  Liz to let Sijbren know the correct details.


  1. Distribution of tasks

Mineke has put together a list of positions to be filled.  Copy attached. Other team members to be assigned roles.  Simon agreed to be equipment caretaker.


13.Comberton Village College

Shaun Pollock has requested some input with a curriculum extension day within with which he would like to feature Korfball on the 17th and 18th October. Aimed at year 7 (ages 10-12yrs)  Liv to coordinate.  Lee to help.


14.Kent Player Information

Cambridge to replace our registration forms with this as it is felt to be more comprehensive.


15.Sport @ com magazine

Comberton’s magazine.  Rick to publicise in it and look to be included in it for the curriculum extension project.




·        Liz suggested mini tournaments in September / October at the Perse.  Liv to ask David Baker about availability of astro for games.

·        Group email for Junior Korfball Team.  Liv to look into the possibility of having one.

·        As part of his new role Simon will do an audit of the junior posts, where they are and what state they are in.

·        Mrs Northfield has been washing the kit.  Liv  to offer a token of our thanks.

·        Need another social – Sijbren to organise?  All are keen on bowling again as several of us didn’t get to go last time  J

·        Lee needs some time off – will take 6 weeks from the 14th July – Reda will oversee from this date.


Next meeting:  25th July 2002, 7.30pm at Liv’s house.